This book provides an in-depth assessment of the pioneering work of British Hospitals in Palestine in the nineteenth century, and finds these institutions made great contributions to the modernization of the country. The large numbers of Europeans, spearheaded by British missionaries, who began to visit Palestine and the Levant, brought modern medical practices to the region. The driving factor for this change was the medical enterprise of the London Mission and the series of hospitals it established. This pioneering initiative led to the development of competition among the Great Powers in...
This book provides an in-depth assessment of the pioneering work of British Hospitals in Palestine in the nineteenth century, and finds these institut...
For more than one thousand years Arab medicine held sway in the ancient world, from the shores of Spain in the West to China, India and Sri Lanka (Ceylon) in the East. This book explores the impact of Greek (as well as Indian and Persian) medical heritage on the evolution of Arab medicine and pharmacology, investigating it from the perspective of materia medica - a reliable indication of the contribution of this medical legacy. Focusing on the main substances introduced and traded by the Arabs in the medieval Mediterranean - including Ambergris, camphor, musk, myrobalan, nutmeg, sandalwood...
For more than one thousand years Arab medicine held sway in the ancient world, from the shores of Spain in the West to China, India and Sri Lanka (Cey...
This book explores the impact of Greek (as well as Indian and Persian) medical heritage on the evolution of Arab medicine and pharmacology, investigating it from the perspective of 'materia medica' a reliable indication of the contribution of this medical legacy.
This book explores the impact of Greek (as well as Indian and Persian) medical heritage on the evolution of Arab medicine and pharmacology, investigat...