DO YOU WANT TO MAKE A DIFFERENCE IN THE WORLD, but feel overwhelmed by all there is to do? Do you sometimes doubt that significant change is even possible? There is good news. God isn't worried about the future of the world, nor is God merely bringing minor changes. "Behold, I make all things new," says the Lord. The coming kingdom brings total transformation, metamorphosis. What's more, God doesn't call us to carry the burdens of the world and its transformation on our own shoulders. Christ carries the world and by the power of the Spirit we live in Christ. We do not have a mission for God...
DO YOU WANT TO MAKE A DIFFERENCE IN THE WORLD, but feel overwhelmed by all there is to do? Do you sometimes doubt that significant change is even poss...
Justice, mercy, and the public good all find meaning in relationship a relationship dependent upon fidelity, but endlessly open to the betrayals of infidelity. This paradox defines the story of God and Israel in the Old Testament. Yet the arc of this story reaches ever forward, and its trajectory confers meaning upon human relationships and communities in the present. The Old Testament still speaks.
Israel, in the Old Testament, bears witness to a God who initiates and then sustains covenantal relationships. God, in mercy, does so by making promises for a just well-being and prescribing...
Justice, mercy, and the public good all find meaning in relationship a relationship dependent upon fidelity, but endlessly open to the betrayals of...