The great fourteenth-century Persian poet Hafiz is noted for his mystical love poems. The poetry of Hafiz has reached new heights of popularity in the West, yet his poems have been translatred into European languages for over two hundred years. Hafiz is not a poet to be captured in a single translation. This modernised edition of McCarthy's elegant prose translation gives us a direct Hafiz, full of clear imagery and personal poetry.
The great fourteenth-century Persian poet Hafiz is noted for his mystical love poems. The poetry of Hafiz has reached new heights of popularity in the...
This ancient Gnostic text can be a companion for your own spiritual quest.
The Gospel of Philip is one of the most exciting and accessible of the Gnostic texts found at Nag Hammadi in Egypt in 1945. The source of Dan Brown's intriguing speculations about Mary Magdalene in his best-selling novel The Da Vinci Code, the Gospel of Philip draws on ancient imagery--the natural world, the relationships between women, men and family, the ancient distinctions between lord and servants, free people and slaves, and pagans, Jews and Christians--to offer us...
This ancient Gnostic text can be a companion for your own spiritual quest.
The Gospel of Philip is one of the most exciting a...
Jesus's words of wisdom can become a companion on your own spiritual journey.
The gospels of Matthew, Mark, Luke and John are not the only record we have of the words spoken by Jesus. Designed to challenge, enlighten and inspire, they are also quoted in a wide variety of other ancient sources--including the Qur'an, writings by early Christian church fathers, and fragments of lost gospels only recently discovered. Some of these sayings are familiar; many are surprising; all expand our conventional understanding of the scope and essence of Jesus's original teachings.
Jesus's words of wisdom can become a companion on your own spiritual journey.
The gospels of Matthew, Mark, Luke and John are not the...
The inspiration and insight of these Gnostic writings can become a companion on your own spiritual journey.
Just what is a soul, exactly? Where did the idea come from? How do we experience our souls? Two ancient Gnostic texts--The Exegesis on the Soul and The Hymn of the Pearl, both presented here in all-new translations--hold important clues to the development of the soul as a concept and reveal inspiring ways your own soul can remember and return to its unique, divine purpose.
The Exegesis on the Soul depicts the soul as a feminine figure who...
The inspiration and insight of these Gnostic writings can become a companion on your own spiritual journey.
The first issue of a tri-annual journal on Gnosticism in all its forms. Featuring interviews with Alan Moore and Sethian Gnostic expert John Turner; a comkplete translation of the Gospel of Judas; Tim Freke on The Gospel of the Second Coming; articles on William Burroughs, Philip K.Dick, the Alternative Judas, Gnosticism and Magic; columns, book reviews and more.
The first issue of a tri-annual journal on Gnosticism in all its forms. Featuring interviews with Alan Moore and Sethian Gnostic expert John Turner; a...
The second issue of The Gnostic: A Journal of Gnosticism, Western Esotericism and Spirituality. Featuring an interview with Colin Wilson and an indepth examination of his ideas on the occult. An interview with Tessa Dick, widow of Philip K Dick, plus an excerpt from her memoir and Anthony Peake's analysis of Dick's precognitive abilities. An interview with noted scholar April DeConick on the Gospel of John. The Gnosticism of the TV series The Prisoner. Kimetikos, Jeremy Pums's Gnostic practice. Tony Blake's meetings with remarkable people including J.G. Bennett, David Bohm and Idries Shah....
The second issue of The Gnostic: A Journal of Gnosticism, Western Esotericism and Spirituality. Featuring an interview with Colin Wilson and an indept...
The second issue of The Gnostic: A Journal of Gnosticism, Western Esotericism and Spirituality. Featuring a cover by C.G. Jung, Lance Owens on Jung's Red Book. Interviews with David Tibet of Current 93, Jacob Needleman and Zohar expert Daniel C. Matt. Articles on Gnostic anime, Robert Graves, Gnostic texts, the Gospel of Luke, William Blake, deja vu, coincidence, a ten page comic, reviews and much more.
The second issue of The Gnostic: A Journal of Gnosticism, Western Esotericism and Spirituality. Featuring a cover by C.G. Jung, Lance Owens on Jung's ...
The fourth issue of The Gnostic: A Journal of Gnosticism, Western Esotericism and Spirituality. Alan Moore's Fossil Angels, an investigation into the contemporary occult scene. Interviews with Stephan Hoeller and Miguel Conner. Anthony Peake on the Quantum Pleroma. Sean Martin tells a Gnostic sci-fi tale. Robert M.Price on the Gnostic Gospel of John. Bill Darlison on the zodiac in the Gospel of Mark. Gnostic influences on Cormac McCarthy's Blood Meridian. The plight of the Mandaeans. The gematria of Marcus the Magician. The Gospel of Thomas, a translation and Fourth Way interpretation....
The fourth issue of The Gnostic: A Journal of Gnosticism, Western Esotericism and Spirituality. Alan Moore's Fossil Angels, an investigation into the ...