Hans-Ulrich Treichel has enjoyed a meteoric rise to fame since the publication of his first novel Der Verlorene in 1998. This volume follows the series pattern, aiming to provide an introduction to Hans-Ulrich Treichel and to offer a critical approach to his work.
Hans-Ulrich Treichel has enjoyed a meteoric rise to fame since the publication of his first novel Der Verlorene in 1998. This volume follows the serie...
Uwe Timm belongs to the generation of writers whose early careers were shaped by personal experience of the student movement in the Federal Republic of the late 1960s. "Heisser Sommer," Timm's first novel, deals directly with such individual experience of the protests and with a sense of disillusionment which followed. The author's subsequent novels have, among many other topics, focused on the issues of colonialism and the environment, while his shorter prose works give literary expression to his personal 'Asthetik des Alltags'.
"Uwe Timm" follows the pattern of earlier volumes in the...
Uwe Timm belongs to the generation of writers whose early careers were shaped by personal experience of the student movement in the Federal Republi...