Promiseland is Willow Creek's highly successful children's ministry. Using examples from Promiseland and churches of all sizes around the country, this book provides step by step guidance and creative application exercises to help churches develop a thriving children's ministry--one that strives to be the best hour of every kid's week. Included are Scripture-based principles and practical resources for church staff members and volunteers who agree with the critical role children's ministry plays in a local church. Making Your Children's Ministry the Best Hour of Every Kid's Week, based on...
Promiseland is Willow Creek's highly successful children's ministry. Using examples from Promiseland and churches of all sizes around the country, ...
What will you say when your child asks how Jesus can fit inside his heart? Here's help with responding in words your little one will understand. Leading Your Child to Jesus equips you with the simple, effective communication tools that will help you discuss salvation with your child. They've been proven through David Staal's years with Willow Creek Community Church's Promiseland children's ministry and through his personal experiences as a parent.Learn how to share you own salvation story, explain the gospel in kid-friendly language, and lead your child in a prayer of salvation. Based on...
What will you say when your child asks how Jesus can fit inside his heart? Here's help with responding in words your little one will understand. Leadi...
Words matter. Words can build up, or words can tear down. As parents and church leaders, do we use our words well? Words Kids Need to Hear offers compelling, yet simple ways to build up the hearts of children through meaningful and well-chosen words. What children hear from adults they trust makes a significant impact--now and for years to come. Words Kids Need to Hear offers an easy-to-follow learning path. Each of the seven chapters focuses on a single statement kids need to hear from parents, children's workers, and other close adults. These seven statements are simple to share, yet...
Words matter. Words can build up, or words can tear down. As parents and church leaders, do we use our words well? Words Kids Need to Hear offers comp...
Apoyados en 28 anos de experiencia en el ministerio infantil de Willow Creek, los autores explican los cuatro fundamentos del ministerio: Mision, Vision, Valores y Estrategia. Incluye respuestas detalladas a las preguntas tipicas de todo ministerio infantil: Que espera Jesus del ministerio infantil?, Como evangelizar a los ninos no salvos y discipular a los ninos salvos al mismo tiempo?, Como involucramos a los ninos sin aburrirlos?, y Como reclutar y dirigir mejor a los voluntarios?, entre otras.
Apoyados en 28 anos de experiencia en el ministerio infantil de Willow Creek, los autores explican los cuatro fundamentos del ministerio: Mision, Visi...
Dave Staal brings his experience as a parent and a nationally respected children's ministry leader to help equip other parents and mentors to teach their children the most important lessons in life. With a dozen life-building lessons, parents and mentors will be able to teach their kids to have a balanced, healthy perspective about themselves and other people, and how to honor God with the way they live. Based on Staal's own experiences as a parent as well as original research done nationwide through focus groups with parents and children, Lessons Kids Need to Learn is a valuable resource...
Dave Staal brings his experience as a parent and a nationally respected children's ministry leader to help equip other parents and mentors to teach...