This book provides an easy-to-use instrument for measuring quality in literacy, mathematics, science, and diversity as observable in pre-school settings. The domains within the scales bear important relationships to childrens (age 3-5) cognitive and soc
This book provides an easy-to-use instrument for measuring quality in literacy, mathematics, science, and diversity as observable in pre-school settin...
The ICP(TM) Manual guides users on understanding, implementing, and scoring the ICP.
How well is your early childhood program implementing quality inclusive practices? Now therea (TM)s a comprehensive, field-tested observational tool that uncovers the answers. A one-of-a-kind tool for classrooms serving children ages 2-5, the Inclusive Classroom Profile (ICP) assesses 12 key practices with the strongest research base for supporting the education and development of young children in inclusive programs:
Adaptations of Space, Materials, and...
The ICP(TM) Manual guides users on understanding, implementing, and scoring the ICP.
How well is your early childhood program implementing qu...