"Stonewall Speaks" is the fictional depiction of the adventurous but brief life of the famous Confederate general Thomas Jonathan "Stonewall" Jackson. Jackson grew up working on a farm and a corn-grinding mill in Clarksburg, Virginia. His life changes forever when he receives his appointment to attend West Point.
Author Claude Brown imagines how actual historical events might have played out during the mid-1800s, as Stonewall's ghost narrates. Stonewall meets his first friend, Ulysses S. Grant, on the train to West Point. At the Academy, he faces conflict with A. P. Hill (a conflict that...
"Stonewall Speaks" is the fictional depiction of the adventurous but brief life of the famous Confederate general Thomas Jonathan "Stonewall" Jackson....
"Confederate Devil John" is the story of John Wright as he grew up in Pike and Letcher Counties, Kentucky. John started life at an early age making corn likker with Rosan Burke. Rosan taught John how to make likker and to survive in the east Kentucky Mountains. After Rosan was caught by revenuers John set out to make his living outside the mountains. His initial horse-trading led him to meet John Hunt Morgan and joining the Confederate cause in the Civil War. He served under Confederate Capt. Quantrill, and he escaped during the battle when Quantrill was captured. During this period he met...
"Confederate Devil John" is the story of John Wright as he grew up in Pike and Letcher Counties, Kentucky. John started life at an early age making co...
With more than two million copies in print, Manchild in the Promised Land is one of the most remarkable autobiographies of our time--the definitive account of African-American youth in Harlem of the 1940s and 1950s, and a seminal work of modern literature. Published during a literary era marked by the ascendance of black writers such as Richard Wright, Ralph Ellison, James Baldwin, and Alex Haley, this thinly fictionalized account of Claude Brown's childhood as a hardened, streetwise criminal trying to survive the toughest streets of Harlem has been heralded as the definitive...
With more than two million copies in print, Manchild in the Promised Land is one of the most remarkable autobiographies of our time--the defini...