These excellent, ready to use Basic Skills resources will save tutors hours of planning and preparation. You simply select the session you want to deliver, photocopy the handouts needed, and off you go.
The pack contains:
* Session outlines and a list of resources needed
* Ready to use resources
* Ready to copy handouts
* Ready to use Basic Skills ILPs
* Sample schemes of work
* Lesson plan to fill in to your specific requirements
* Tips throughout each session on speaking and listening opportunities.
These excellent, ready to use Basic Skills resources will save tutors hours of planning and preparation. You simply select the session you want to ...
This tutor pack and accompanying student guide covers the Basic Skills curriculum in numeracy specifically for childcare students at further education (FE) level. The pack offers the busy tutor all they need to teach their childcare students numeracy.
This tutor pack and accompanying student guide covers the Basic Skills curriculum in numeracy specifically for childcare students at further educat...
This tutor pack and accompanying student guide covers the Basic Skills curriculum in numeracy specifically for childcare students at further education (FE) level. The packs offer the busy tutor all they need to teach their childcare students numeracy.
This tutor pack and accompanying student guide covers the Basic Skills curriculum in numeracy specifically for childcare students at further educat...