With hindsight, we tend to exaggerate what we had known with foresight. This phenomenon can be observed in a memory design in which previous judgements have to be recalled after outcome information has been made available, or in a hypothetical design in which participants receive outcome information but are asked to ignore it when subsequently judging what they would have said without this information. Since the introduction of this so-called hindsight bias or knew-it-all-along effect to the psychological literature in the mid-1970s, there has been immense research on this topic. theoretical...
With hindsight, we tend to exaggerate what we had known with foresight. This phenomenon can be observed in a memory design in which previous judgement...
Simple Heuristics in a Social World invites readers to discover the simple heuristics that people use to navigate the complexities and surprises of environments populated with others. The social world is a terrain where humans and other animals compete with conspecifics for myriad resources, including food, mates, and status, and where rivals grant the decision maker little time for deep thought, protracted information search, or complex calculations. Yet, the social world also encompasses domains where social animals such as humans can learn from one another and can forge alliances...
Simple Heuristics in a Social World invites readers to discover the simple heuristics that people use to navigate the complexities and surpri...
Schon seit langerem berichten die Medien uber erhebliche rechtsextreme und fremdenfeindliche Aktivitaten in unserem Land. Vor rund zwei Jah ren verfestigte sich indessen innerhalb kurzer Zeit der Eindruck, dass Haufigkeit und Intensitat der Ubergriffe deutlich zunahmen. Fast taglich wurden nun Ereignisse mit rechtsextremem und fremdenfeindlichem Hintergrund gemeldet. Dies fuhrte zu einer Intensivierung der Auseinan dersetzung daruber, wie man dieser unheilvollen Entwicklung entgegen steuern konnte. Gleichzeitig wuchs die Zahl derjenigen Burgerinnen und Burger, die das Bedurfnis verspurten,...
Schon seit langerem berichten die Medien uber erhebliche rechtsextreme und fremdenfeindliche Aktivitaten in unserem Land. Vor rund zwei Jah ren verfes...