"Mind Crash" sets out to explore the deepest recesses of the human psyche through the utilization of several, quite often brutal, language exploration techniques.
The results, a seemingly random collection of metaphysical short stories, cut-ups, koans, poems and automatic writing, are often as unsettling as they are darkly humorous.
Whilst employing these frequently painful mental gymnastic routines, the author unwittingly unleashes, and subsequently exorcises, a number of allegorical demons.
Do not forget to bolt your windows whilst reading it
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"Mind Crash" originally...
"Mind Crash" sets out to explore the deepest recesses of the human psyche through the utilization of several, quite often brutal, language exploration...
A new public sector is emerging from the ashes of austerity. Make sure you're still here to see it. As a public sector manager you are the backbone of public service delivery but you now face the greatest challenge of your career because of this thing called austerity. A New Public Sector will emerge from the significant changes being driven by these cuts and, if you want to be part of it, it pays to be prepared. How To Survive Austerity is your essential manual if you want to deliver results in challenging times and improve your own chances of survival. This book provides you with a...
A new public sector is emerging from the ashes of austerity. Make sure you're still here to see it. As a public sector manager you are the backbone of...