Forested landscapes have provided many important testing grounds for the devel- ment and application of landscape ecological principles and methods in North America. This central role of forests in landscape ecology emerged for several reasons. Forest cover is prominent in many regions of North America, from the temperate deciduous forests of the east to the coniferous forests of the north and west. Changes in forest spatial patterns are readily apparent to the human eye natural disturbances and timber harvests alter the arrangement of forest age classes across the landscape and this, in...
Forested landscapes have provided many important testing grounds for the devel- ment and application of landscape ecological principles and methods in...
Forest landscape disturbances are a global phenomenon. This book contains a collection of insights from a group of ecologists who address a variety of processes: physical disturbances such as drought, wind, and fire;
Forest landscape disturbances are a global phenomenon. This book contains a collection of insights from a group of ecologists who address a variety of...