Little is known about the experiences of children living in families affected by severe and enduring mental illness. This is the first in-depth study of children and young people caring for parents affected in this way. Drawing on primary research data collected from 40 families, the book presents the perspectives of children (young carers), their parents and the key professionals in contact with them. Children caring for parents with mental illness makes an invaluable contribution to the growing evidence base on parental mental illness and outcomes for children. It: . vbTab]is the first...
Little is known about the experiences of children living in families affected by severe and enduring mental illness. This is the first in-depth study ...
This illustrated book is an introduction to life as a young carer. Follow Carly as we learn what responsibilities she has in the home, why she cares for her mum, her worries and concerns, as well as all the positive aspects of being a carer. Carly's story raises awareness about the needs of young carers for children, families and professionals.
This illustrated book is an introduction to life as a young carer. Follow Carly as we learn what responsibilities she has in the home, why she cares f...