Conventional synthetic materials, like metals, ceramics or glass, are usually isotropic substances, and their suitability for structural applications is achieved by morphological design and combination in the macroscopic scale. However, in modem engineering this is often not acceptable. As an alternative, the use of non-homogeneous, anisotropic materials, with significant stiffness and strength only in the directions these mechanical properties are really needed, can lead to enormous material (and weight) savings. This is the case of multiphase systems called composite materials. In these...
Conventional synthetic materials, like metals, ceramics or glass, are usually isotropic substances, and their suitability for structural applications ...
Most catalysts used in the chemical and petrochemical indus tries are strongly affected by one or another form of deactivation, leading to poor performances and reduced life. The increasing num ber of scientific communications devoted to the subject in recent years, and culminating with an International Symposium held in Antwerp in October 1980, is a measure of the interest it arouses in both the industrial and academic communities. A stage has been reached whereby it was thought that a NATO Advanced Study Institute on "Catalyst Deactivation" might be fruit ful in establishing the state of...
Most catalysts used in the chemical and petrochemical indus tries are strongly affected by one or another form of deactivation, leading to poor perfor...
Most catalysts used in the chemical and petrochemical indus tries are strongly affected by one or another form of deactivation, leading to poor performances and reduced life. The increasing num ber of scientific communications devoted to the subject in recent years, and culminating with an International Symposium held in Antwerp in October 1980, is a measure of the interest it arouses in both the industrial and academic communities. A stage has been reached whereby it was thought that a NATO Advanced Study Institute on "Catalyst Deactivation" might be fruit ful in establishing the state of...
Most catalysts used in the chemical and petrochemical indus tries are strongly affected by one or another form of deactivation, leading to poor perfor...
Carbon gasification reactions form the basis of many important industrial processes, such as the combustion of coal and the produc tion of synthesis gas, fuel gases and activated carbons. They are also involved in metallurgical processes and in the regeneration of coked catalysts. Thus, understanding the fundamentals of carbon gasification is of vital importance for further technological development. Moreover, the subject is of interdisciplinary nature, involving chemistry, ma terials science and chemical engineering. Therefore, it was thought that an Advanced Study Institute would be...
Carbon gasification reactions form the basis of many important industrial processes, such as the combustion of coal and the produc tion of synthesis g...
Conventional synthetic materials, like metals, ceramics or glass, are usually isotropic substances, and their suitability for structural applications is achieved by morphological design and combination in the macroscopic scale. However, in modem engineering this is often not acceptable. As an alternative, the use of non-homogeneous, anisotropic materials, with significant stiffness and strength only in the directions these mechanical properties are really needed, can lead to enormous material (and weight) savings. This is the case of multiphase systems called composite materials. In these...
Conventional synthetic materials, like metals, ceramics or glass, are usually isotropic substances, and their suitability for structural applications ...