The legal status of assisted death in Canada is in urgent need of clarification and reform. If this is to take place, however, the process must be informed by a careful, thorough, and thoughtful analysis of the issues. In Dying Justice, Jocelyn Downie provides an up-to-date and comprehensive review of significant developments in the current legal status of assisted death in Canada. She then recasts the framework for analysis in terms of the nature of the decision for assisted death. Refusals of treatment and requests for assisted suicide and euthanasia, the author believes, should...
The legal status of assisted death in Canada is in urgent need of clarification and reform. If this is to take place, however, the process must be ...
Relational theory has recently gained prominence in philosophy, women's and gender studies, and bioethics. Yet it has not madesubstantial inroads into many areas of law and policy. BeingRelational seeks to remedy this situation by bringing thispowerful theoretical framework to the field of health law andpolicy. At the heart of relational theory lies the idea that the human selfis fundamentally constituted in terms of its relations to others. Forrelational theorists, the self not only lives in relationship with andto others, but also owes its very existence to such relationships. Inthis...
Relational theory has recently gained prominence in philosophy, women's and gender studies, and bioethics. Yet it has not madesubstantial inroads into...