SOME OF THE 150 STORIES IN THIS BOOK: -What WWII was all about -How the German Luftwaffe began and ended -Adolph Hitler's Nazi party and the Waffen SS -8th Air Force raids over Europe -P-51 "Mustang" battles with Me-109 -1093's Cleveland Air Races -Wright Brother's flight in 1903 -WWI Bi-planes in France -P-40s in the "Flying Tigers" -D-Day and P-47 "Thunderbolts" -Winter War in Finland -Barbarossa and airplane battles -"Zeros" in Southeast Asia -P-39 "Airacobras" fight for Russia -War-Booty in WWII -Hitler robs art treasures ...
SOME OF THE 150 STORIES IN THIS BOOK: -What WWII was all about -How the German Luftwaffe began and ended -Adolph Hitler's Nazi party and the W...