An offbeat and satirical work of what might be considered literary fiction, "The Chronicles of a Cynic" is a loosely allegorical spin on Dante's "Purgatorio." This contemporary "bildungsroman" follows the unlikely path of the title character--a writer/educator named Dan Taylor-Gehry--across the country to teaching jobs, through loves gained and lost, against encounters with the seven deadly sins, amidst moderate success in writing and publishing, and ultimately downward through his darkest psychological recesses. The cynic's frenetic pace matches the transience of Kerouac's Sal Paradise, and...
An offbeat and satirical work of what might be considered literary fiction, "The Chronicles of a Cynic" is a loosely allegorical spin on Dante's "Purg...
An offbeat and satirical work of what might be considered literary fiction, "The Chronicles of a Cynic" is a loosely allegorical spin on Dante's "Purgatorio." This contemporary "bildungsroman" follows the unlikely path of the title character--a writer/educator named Dan Taylor-Gehry--across the country to teaching jobs, through loves gained and lost, against encounters with the seven deadly sins, amidst moderate success in writing and publishing, and ultimately downward through his darkest psychological recesses. The cynic's frenetic pace matches the transience of Kerouac's Sal Paradise, and...
An offbeat and satirical work of what might be considered literary fiction, "The Chronicles of a Cynic" is a loosely allegorical spin on Dante's "Purg...