5 Days Out is the fictional, yet reflective, poetic journey recorded by "Delta" Don McKabe during his last days as a death row inmate inside Louisiana's famous Angola State Penitentiary. Hailed as an innovator in what has been tagged "industrial poetry," McKabe's verse speaks of the love, loss, fear and anger of a turbulent life while at the same time revealing an ironic glimmer of hope in the words of a condemned man.
5 Days Out is the fictional, yet reflective, poetic journey recorded by "Delta" Don McKabe during his last days as a death row inmate inside Louisiana...
"Observations of White Noise.An Acid Test for the First Amendment" examines the current state of the First Amendment, its scope and design, and its place in popular culture.
Lawyer Marc M. Harrold candidly examines both mainstream and cutting-edge topics, including an overview of the First Amendment and its unique character in comparison with the other Amendments that comprise the Bill of Rights. In engaging fashion, he reveals the illogical reasoning behind the Supreme Court's sex-only obscenity doctrine and the over-expansive insertion of the First Amendment into tort suits between...
"Observations of White Noise.An Acid Test for the First Amendment" examines the current state of the First Amendment, its scope and design, and its pl...