El libro se nos presenta como la narracion de un viajero con el falso titulo Viajes a varias remotas Naciones del Mundo, su autoria solo se asigna a Lemuel Gulliver, siendo al principio un cirujano, y luego un capitan de diversos barcos. El texto es presentado como una narracion en primera persona por el supuesto autor, y el nombre Gulliver no aparece en el libro mas que en el titulo. Diferentes versiones del libro contienen diferentes versiones del material introductorio que son casi los mismos en los libros modernos. El libro propiamente dicho esta dividido en cuatro partes, cada una...
El libro se nos presenta como la narracion de un viajero con el falso titulo Viajes a varias remotas Naciones del Mundo, su autoria solo se asigna a L...
Travels into Several Remote Nations of the World. In Four Parts. By Lemuel Gulliver, First a Surgeon, and then a Captain of Several Ships, commonly known as Gulliver's Travels (1726, amended 1735), is a prose satire by Irish writer and clergyman Jonathan Swift, that is both a satire on human nature and the "travellers' tales" literary subgenre. It is Swift's best known full-length work, and a classic of English literature. The book became popular as soon as it was published. John Gay wrote in a 1726 letter to Swift that "It is universally read, from the cabinet council to the nursery."
Travels into Several Remote Nations of the World. In Four Parts. By Lemuel Gulliver, First a Surgeon, and then a Captain of Several Ships, commonly kn...
Jonathan Swift (Dublin, 30 de noviembre de 1667-ibid., 19 de octubre de 1745) fue un escritor satirico irlandes. Su obra principal es Los viajes de Gulliver, que constituye una de las criticas mas amargas, y a la vez satiricas, que se han escrito contra la sociedad y la condicion humana."
Jonathan Swift (Dublin, 30 de noviembre de 1667-ibid., 19 de octubre de 1745) fue un escritor satirico irlandes. Su obra principal es Los viajes de Gu...
Cuento de una barrica ("A Tale of a Tub"), tambien conocida como Historia de una barrica o Cuento de un tonel, es la primera obra mayor de Jonathan Swift, compuesta entre 1694 y 1697, y publicada en 1704. Se trata de su satira mas dificil y probablemente la mejor. La historia (en ingles "tale," cuento) es una parodia en prosa dividida en dos secciones: "digresion" e "historia." La "historia" presenta una unica satira, por capitulos, sobre el exceso religioso, mientras que la digresion esta compuesta de una serie de parodias sobre la literatura contemporanea en los campos de la propia...
Cuento de una barrica ("A Tale of a Tub"), tambien conocida como Historia de una barrica o Cuento de un tonel, es la primera obra mayor de Jonathan Sw...
A Modest Proposal for Preventing the Children of Poor People From Being a Burthen to Their Parents or Country, and for Making Them Beneficial to the Publick, commonly referred to as A Modest Proposal, is a Juvenalian satirical essay written and published anonymously by Jonathan Swift in 1729. Swift suggests that the impoverished Irish might ease their economic troubles by selling their children as food for rich gentlemen and ladies. This satirical hyperbole mocks heartless attitudes towards the poor, as well as British policy toward the Irish in general. In English writing, the phrase "a...
A Modest Proposal for Preventing the Children of Poor People From Being a Burthen to Their Parents or Country, and for Making Them Beneficial to the P...
A Tale of a Tub was the first major work written by Jonathan Swift, arguably his most difficult satire and perhaps his most masterly. The Tale is a prose parody divided into sections each delving into the morals and ethics of English. Composed between 1694 and 1697, it was eventually published in 1704. It was long regarded as a satire on religion, and has famously been attacked for that, starting with William Wotton. The "tale" presents a consistent satire of religious excess, while the digressions are a series of parodies of contemporary writing in literature, politics, theology, Biblical...
A Tale of a Tub was the first major work written by Jonathan Swift, arguably his most difficult satire and perhaps his most masterly. The Tale is a pr...
Les Voyages de Gulliver ou Les Voyages extraordinaires de Gulliver (en anglais Gulliver's Travels) est un roman satirique ecrit par Jonathan Swift en 1721. Une version censuree et modifiee par son editeur parait pour la premiere fois en 1726; ce n'est qu'en 1735 qu'il paraitra en version complete. Il apparait pour la premiere fois en francais sous le titre Voyages du capitaine Lemuel Gulliver au xviiie siecle, traduit par l'abbe Desfontaines. Ces recits, tres riches, melent, en les relativisant, critique et raison, folie et pamphlet, fantastique et science-fiction. En ce sens, Swift amorce...
Les Voyages de Gulliver ou Les Voyages extraordinaires de Gulliver (en anglais Gulliver's Travels) est un roman satirique ecrit par Jonathan Swift en ...