In Runner as Hero, Jay Kimiecik becomes an athlete again--in his case, a masters runner--as a way to revive his life. Kimiecik explores the world of aging, training, and performing through a self-experimental, self-reflective lens-- merging science, mythology, and performance psychology. On his heroic journey, Kimiecik talks to aging experts, scientists, top-performing athletes, and the ghost of legendary Steve Prefontaine. Kimiecik's keen observations of everyday living and irreverent style take him on a journey to find the hero within. The result is a fascinating, inspiring tale about how...
In Runner as Hero, Jay Kimiecik becomes an athlete again--in his case, a masters runner--as a way to revive his life. Kimiecik explores the world of a...
Annie has tried to lose weight for over twenty years without success. In fact, despite her best efforts, she keeps gaining weight. Annie's latest weight loss attempt takes her to mystical White Horse Island for a weeklong, thirty-year high school reunion vacation with two lifelong friends. Part of Annie's weight loss plan is to visit the White Horse Island Resort & Spa for some wellness coaching and pampering. But Annie's plan goes awry from the get go. Two strangers, Billy, the lead detective, and his sidekick, Doc, who claim to be life detectives assigned to her case, interrupt Annie's...
Annie has tried to lose weight for over twenty years without success. In fact, despite her best efforts, she keeps gaining weight. Annie's latest weig...