FoLLowing the first synthesis of an organoLead compound by Loewig in 1852, progress sLowed markedLy in organoLead chemistry. Then, the discovery of the outstanding performance of organoLead compounds as antiknock additives to automobiLe gasoline turned organoLead chemistry into one of the main areas of organometallic chemistry. Large-scaLe industriaL procedures for synthesizing tetraethyLLead and other tetraaLkyLLead compounds and entireLy new techniques, such as handling Large amounts of sodium-Lead aLLoys or eLectroLyzing Grignard soLutions, were deveLoped, and many other industriaL...
FoLLowing the first synthesis of an organoLead compound by Loewig in 1852, progress sLowed markedLy in organoLead chemistry. Then, the discovery of th...