Electrophoresis is the leading method among those used in the investigation of pro teins and nucleic acids. A paper on the study of these biopolymers without recourse to electrophoresis at each fractionation or characterization step is very unlikely to be encountered in the current scientific literature. This method enables separation of macromolecules according to characteristic features such as size (or molecular weight), shape, secondary structure and electric charge and these parameters can in fluence electrophoretic properties either separately or jointly. The physical background of this...
Electrophoresis is the leading method among those used in the investigation of pro teins and nucleic acids. A paper on the study of these biopolymers ...
A consideration of the different types of immunoelectrophoresis is the natural con- clusion to the methods of electrophoretic fractionation described in the preceding book for proteins and nucleic acids. Immunoprecipitation is the essential com- ponent process of immunoelectrophoresis, and is in itself a highly specific method of purifying proteins. It can also be used for their detection after conventional elec- trophoresis or isoelectrofocusing. It is therefore worthwhile considering the mecha- nism and specific features of immunoprecipitation before considering im- munoelectrophoresis...
A consideration of the different types of immunoelectrophoresis is the natural con- clusion to the methods of electrophoretic fractionation described ...