70 C unterhalb des Einfrierbereichs wegen x 0 is applied to experimental data of the specific volume of water, werden aufgrund von speziellen Modellvor sulfur, mercury and polystyrene, ex is the expansion stellungen von Gibbs und Dimarzio ent coefficient at constant pressure, u the isothermal wickelt, wobei die Autoren fUr T
70 C unterhalb des Einfrierbereichs wegen x 0 is applied to experimental data of the specific volume of water, werden aufgrund von speziellen Modellvo...
7) Kryszewski, M. and A. Szymanski, Macromol. Rev. 4D, 183 (1970). The density and the energetic situation of local 8) Bassler, H., Kunststoffe 62, 115 (1972). i; ed levels at the polymer surface and bulk and their 9) Rose, A., Helv. Phys. Acta 29, 199 (1956). occupancy probability of excess electrons or defect 10) Many, A., Y. Goldstein and N. B. Grover electrons determine the electrostatic charging of Semiconductor Surfaces, 139 (Amsterdam 1971): polymer solids associated with the contact of met 11) Many, A., N. B. Grover, Y. Goldstein and E. als. Accumulation layers of excesselectrons and...
7) Kryszewski, M. and A. Szymanski, Macromol. Rev. 4D, 183 (1970). The density and the energetic situation of local 8) Bassler, H., Kunststoffe 62, 11...
The 27th Europhysics Conference on Macromolecular Physics focused on applications of scattering methods to the dynamics of polymer dense systems and covered Rayleigh-Brillouin scattering and photon correlation spectroscopy, quasi-elastic neutron scattering, holographic methods, real time X-ray and neutron scattering techniques as well as the treatment of theoretical models and computer simulations of polymer dynamics.
The 27th Europhysics Conference on Macromolecular Physics focused on applications of scattering methods to the dynamics of polymer dense systems and c...