Shuvra S. Battacharyya S. Bhattacharyya Shuvra S. Bhattacharyya
Software Synthesis from Dataflow Graphs addresses the problem of generating efficient software implementations from applications specified as synchronous dataflow graphs for programmable digital signal processors (DSPs) used in embedded real- time systems. The advent of high-speed graphics workstations has made feasible the use of graphical block diagram programming environments by designers of signal processing systems. A particular subset of dataflow, called Synchronous Dataflow (SDF), has proven efficient for representing a wide class of unirate and multirate signal processing...
Software Synthesis from Dataflow Graphs addresses the problem of generating efficient software implementations from applications specified as...
Techniques for Optimizing Multiprocessor Implementations of Signal Processing Applications
An indispensable component of the information age, signal processing is embedded in a variety of consumer devices, including cell phones and digital television, as well as in communication infrastructure, such as media servers and cellular base stations. Multiple programmable processors, along with custom hardware running in parallel, are needed to achieve the computation throughput required of such applications.
Reviews important research in key areas related to...
Techniques for Optimizing Multiprocessor Implementations of Signal Processing Applications
Shuvra S. Bhattacharyya Ed F. Deprettere Rainer Leupers
It gives me immense pleasure to introduce this timely handbook to the research/- velopment communities in the ?eld of signal processing systems (SPS). This is the ?rst of its kind and represents state-of-the-arts coverage of research in this ?eld. The driving force behind information technologies (IT) hinges critically upon the major advances in both component integration and system integration. The major breakthrough for the former is undoubtedly the invention of IC in the 50's by Jack S. Kilby, the Nobel Prize Laureate in Physics 2000. In an integrated circuit, all components were made of...
It gives me immense pleasure to introduce this timely handbook to the research/- velopment communities in the ?eld of signal processing systems (SPS)....
Branislav Kisacanin Shuvra S. Bhattacharyya Sek Chai
As a graduate student at Ohio State in the mid-1970s, I inherited a unique c- puter vision laboratory from the doctoral research of previous students. They had designed and built an early frame-grabber to deliver digitized color video from a (very large) electronic video camera on a tripod to a mini-computer (sic) with a (huge ) disk drive about the size of four washing machines. They had also - signed a binary image array processor and programming language, complete with a user s guide, to facilitate designing software for this one-of-a-kindprocessor. The overall system enabled programmable...
As a graduate student at Ohio State in the mid-1970s, I inherited a unique c- puter vision laboratory from the doctoral research of previous students....
Shuvra S. Bhattacharyya Praveen K. Murthy Edward A. Lee
Software Synthesis from Dataflow Graphs addresses the problem of generating efficient software implementations from applications specified as synchronous dataflow graphs for programmable digital signal processors (DSPs) used in embedded real- time systems. The advent of high-speed graphics workstations has made feasible the use of graphical block diagram programming environments by designers of signal processing systems. A particular subset of dataflow, called Synchronous Dataflow (SDF), has proven efficient for representing a wide class of unirate and multirate signal processing...
Software Synthesis from Dataflow Graphs addresses the problem of generating efficient software implementations from applications specified as...
Handbook of Signal Processing Systems is organized in three parts. the third part focuses on compilers and simulation tools, describes models of computation and their associated design tools and methodologies.This handbook is an essential tool for professionals in many fields and researchers of all levels.
Handbook of Signal Processing Systems is organized in three parts. the third part focuses on compilers and simulation tools, describes models of compu...