"The Adventures of Spunky and Dunky and Buddy Bear: Rescued at Last." "The Adventures of Spunky and Dunky and Buddy Bear" chronicles the story of two little monkeys whose parents were taken away by poachers in the jungles of Africa. Fortunately a kind bear heard about their predicament and set out to find them. The story unfolds as Buddy Bear rescues Spunky and Dunky and takes them back to live with him in his log cabin by a lake in the woods of Canada. As most of us know, monkeys are quite different from bears and humans. The two monkeys struggle with all the changes they have to make in...
"The Adventures of Spunky and Dunky and Buddy Bear: Rescued at Last." "The Adventures of Spunky and Dunky and Buddy Bear" chronicles the story of two ...
A strategy for growing toward Christlikeness must be based on the actual ways that people grow and develop into maturity in Christ. Through identifying and understanding how we grow spiritually, this course will help you become more intentional in Bible study, prayer, lifestyle choices, evangelism, and spiritual gifts. Gary C. Newton, 96 pages, paper, ISBN 1-910566-45-3 Table of Contents Introduction The Dynamics of Spiritual Growth Becoming a Disciple of Jesus Christ The Church's Role in Making Disciples Feasting on the Word Developing Intimacy With God Establishing and Reaching Others for...
A strategy for growing toward Christlikeness must be based on the actual ways that people grow and develop into maturity in Christ. Through identifyin...