In the wake of a meteor storm, a 15 year old boy discovers a very unusual stone in his backyard. It's a stone unlike anything he has ever seen before, with six vertical lines engraved into it. He soon discovers that the stone has the power to resurrect the dead, but only six may return. However, with each person that is resurrected, the boy unknowingly begins to unlock an ancient evil that has been waiting centuries to be released.
In the wake of a meteor storm, a 15 year old boy discovers a very unusual stone in his backyard. It's a stone unlike anything he has ever seen before,...
A Hollywood screenwriter's adventure into his own roots in order to confront the powers--both in the film world and internationally--that want to destroy his work.
A Hollywood screenwriter's adventure into his own roots in order to confront the powers--both in the film world and internationally--that want to dest...
Billy Graham is a world-famous, preacher, evangelist and author. He has delivered the gospel message to more people face-to-face than anyone else in history and has served the Christian church on every continent of the world. Millions have read his well known inspirational classic books such as, Angels, The Secret of Happiness, Peace With God, Hope for the Troubled Heart, and How to be Born Again. This tribute brings together a selection of his gospel sermons delivered in major cities during his years as a worldwide evangelist. These inspirational messages will encourage and inspire as the...
Billy Graham is a world-famous, preacher, evangelist and author. He has delivered the gospel message to more people face-to-face than anyone else in h...
En Santa Maria de Clemente, un pueblo supersticioso de la selva amazonica, lleno de leyendas y alejado de toda civilizacion, nacen los gemelos Julio y Juliana Del Rio. Al nacer con el pelo rojo, el pueblo se escandaliza y desconfia de ellos. Pero lo que marcara el destino de estos dos hermanos, es el haber nacido en la Hacienda de Esteban Sandoval, el hombre mas poderoso y despiadado de la zona. El mismo dia en que nacen los gemelos, nace tambien Aparicio, el tercer vastago de Esteban Sandoval. A partir de entonces, la vida de todos los que rodean a estos personajes empieza a cambiar. Las...
En Santa Maria de Clemente, un pueblo supersticioso de la selva amazonica, lleno de leyendas y alejado de toda civilizacion, nacen los gemelos Julio y...
First Bigfoot, now a vampire It's been four months since Alec Kerley and his friends had their run-in with Bigfoot in the Ozark Mountains. During a field trip to southeast Kansas, they are confronted by a vampire. And this vampire knows them. He has been stalking them - watching, observing, tracking. He knows Alec's father works for a secret government agency that investigates monsters. And now the monsters want revenge. Still trying to deal with the loss of his mother, Alec will have to gather all the courage he can muster, because the monster hunters have become the hunted. Hold on tight...
First Bigfoot, now a vampire It's been four months since Alec Kerley and his friends had their run-in with Bigfoot in the Ozark Mountains. During a f...
Mike Dow Mrs Sarah J. Waldock Mrs Sarah J. Waldock
Having a friend like Thomas Wolsey, king's Almoner and spymaster can be a double edged matter. Felicia and Robin find themselves headed for France to discover a plot aimed at the French king, Louis XII, and the stability of France as a whole. Moreover they are working as allies with an old enemy - Raoul, Comte de Beauville sur Rhone. Complications also arise when they rescue a page, set on by bandits. Robin and Felicia have only days to find out what the dastardly Geoffroi de Malvais is up to - and stop him.
Having a friend like Thomas Wolsey, king's Almoner and spymaster can be a double edged matter. Felicia and Robin find themselves headed for France to ...
The will of God for our lives is that we will know the truth and that the truth will set us free and free indeed. When we have been delivered entirely from the circumstances that limit us, whatever God has planned for our lives will be forever. Nothing can be added or taken away from it. One thing you have to realize in life is that, without faith you can never please God. Faith is when you act on what you believe, in all your endeavours, it is also your guaranteed access to everything God has promised. Deliverance is necessary and must be carried out efficiently and effectively to usher us...
The will of God for our lives is that we will know the truth and that the truth will set us free and free indeed. When we have been delivered entirely...
Meet Jean ...a fiery, headstrong, redheaded ghost chaser that co-leads PASS, the Paranormal and Supernatural Society, in Shadow Valley, a winter resort town in the Northwest USA. Life there is like any other that caters to the seasonal whims of skiers during the winter and tourists off-season. Despite spending their time creeping through the dark nooks and deep shadows of the 100+ year-old community, their insatiable craving for the supernatural and paranormal has rarely been satisfied. Things are about to change... Shadow Valley holds more than its share of secrets. Odd storms and Jean's...
Meet Jean ...a fiery, headstrong, redheaded ghost chaser that co-leads PASS, the Paranormal and Supernatural Society, in Shadow Valley, a winter resor...
Book 2 in the Vows of the Heart series. Five years ago, Navy SEAL Nathan Lancaster lost his wife of four days, the woman he loved more than life, to an avalanche during their honeymoon. Despite the assistance of his team, he never found Ana's body, and Nathan buried his heart in an empty casket. Devastated, Nathan tried to drown his pain in alcohol, but ended up losing his position with the SEALs and destroying his tenuous relationship with his brother, Ethan, instead. But while Ethan and his wife, Bethany, were on the run from ruthless arms dealer, Cordova, they discovered evidence that...
Book 2 in the Vows of the Heart series. Five years ago, Navy SEAL Nathan Lancaster lost his wife of four days, the woman he loved more than life, to a...