Jean Balneaves, born in poverty on a Scottish Croft in the nineteenth century sees for the first time, as bairns, in a chance meeting, young Robert Loudon, son of the soon to be laird of Dollar Glen Castle, and owner of the croft holding. In young adulthood they secretly meet and fall in love. But Robert is persueded to enterSandhurst the English Army Officer's School. Because of a mysterious fire, the croft cottage burns and Jean's father dies. Jean, now a dark eyed beauty takes charge of her siblings and young widowed mother... all eventually are invited to the Castle by a compassionate...
Jean Balneaves, born in poverty on a Scottish Croft in the nineteenth century sees for the first time, as bairns, in a chance meeting, young Robert Lo...
This formal picture of Lee and Virginia Gingery was made in the year 2008. The author chooses to prominently credit Virginia's involvement in this work. She has been helpful with her encouragement concerning the bulk of this material, and in the author's words: " In all facets of our lives, Virginia has been a model to be admired in providing life's guidance for our children and grand children and others." (the copy above should be used as a Caption for the full color picture you possess, and should appear beneath the picture on the Back Cover of my book, (Phantom Of The Frog Hop.)
This formal picture of Lee and Virginia Gingery was made in the year 2008. The author chooses to prominently credit Virginia's involvement in this wor...