Der gestalttherapeutische Ansatz ist vor allem fur seine grosse Bandbreite an therapeutischen Interventionen bekannt. Kreativitat ist ein entscheidender Gradmesser fur Gesundheit, Wohlbefinden und Intelligenz. Sie geht mit der Fahigkeit einher, neue Losungen zu finden und fordert die Flexibilitat, die zur schopferischen Anpassung in kritischen Lebenssituationen notig ist. Die Gestalttherapie arbeitet mit dem Terminus "kreative Anpassung," um die Bedeutung dieser Fertigkeit fur die personliche wie berufliche Entfaltung herauszustreichen.
Das besondere Augenmerk des Buches gilt dem...
Der gestalttherapeutische Ansatz ist vor allem fur seine grosse Bandbreite an therapeutischen Interventionen bekannt. Kreativitat ist ein entscheid...
The time is ripe, more than fifty years after the publication of the magnum opus by Perls, Hefferline & Goodman, to publish a book on the topic of cre ativity in Gestalt therapy. The idea for this book was conceived in March 2001, on the island of Sicily, at the very first European Conference of Gestalt Therapy Writers of the European Association or Gestalt Therapy. Our start ing point was an article on art and creativity in Gestalt therapy, which was presented there by one of the editors, and illuminated by a vision, held by the other editor, of bringing together colleagues from around the...
The time is ripe, more than fifty years after the publication of the magnum opus by Perls, Hefferline & Goodman, to publish a book on the topic of cre...
For years, psychotherapists have known that Laura Perls was actively involved in the development of what today is known as Gestalt therapy, although her husband, Frederick Perls, officially authored the foundational texts. Laura Perls's own professional publications are succinct and appreciated, but they are not numerous. The present volume, comprising Laura Perls's heretofore unpublished writing, including journal entries, letters, poems, translations, short stories, and drafts for lectures and publications, offers a very personal perspective on one of the founders of Gestalt therapy. The...
For years, psychotherapists have known that Laura Perls was actively involved in the development of what today is known as Gestalt therapy, although h...