This book offers guidance on reimagining stakeholder roles, research on best practices, principles for designing policies, and messages from thought leaders inside and outside the field of education.
This book offers guidance on reimagining stakeholder roles, research on best practices, principles for designing policies, and messages from thought l...
Students are not the problem in our schools-they are the potential. Students should be central to any educational reform agenda. Student Voice shows how you can achieve this with the Listen, Learn, and Lead approach: ask young people their thoughts and truly listen, learn from what students say, and utilize what you learn to be an effective leader of change. Incorporating data from over one million students, this book is designed to share the truth of what students think about school with educators who want to make a difference. It will prompt you to reflect upon your own experience and...
Students are not the problem in our schools-they are the potential. Students should be central to any educational reform agenda. Student Voice shows h...
Russell J. Quaglia Michael J. Corso Julie A. Hellerstein
While various activity books exist in the market, it is rare to find any activity book connected to research, aligned with Common Core, NETS, and 21st Century and Skills. In addition, Student Voice: Turn Up the Volume books recognize that teachers are learners, too. The short narrative in each activity engages teachers and provides them an opportunity to expand their thinking and connect to the activities they are leading. The three unique sections following each activity allow educators to expand, enhance, and differentiate instruction. Group Discussion supports student engagement,...
While various activity books exist in the market, it is rare to find any activity book connected to research, aligned with Common Core, NETS, and 21st...
Russell J. Quaglia Michael J. Corso Julie A. Hellerstein
While various activity books exist in the market, it is rare to find any activity book connected to research, aligned with Common Core, NETS, and 21st Century and Skills. In addition, Student Voice: Turn Up the Volume books recognize that teachers are learners, too. The short narrative in each activity engages teachers and provides them an opportunity to expand their thinking and connect to the activities they are leading. The three unique sections following each activity allow educators to expand, enhance, and differentiate instruction. Group Discussion supports student engagement,...
While various activity books exist in the market, it is rare to find any activity book connected to research, aligned with Common Core, NETS, and 21st...
This book guides principals on how to utilize their voice to influence policy and practices in order to successfully lead and support growth school-wide.
This book guides principals on how to utilize their voice to influence policy and practices in order to successfully lead and support growth school-wi...
Introduce the concept of teacher voice much like I did with student voice providing a grounded theoretical model (using my previous work as a base), infused with data from the National Teacher Voice Report. Each chapter will have a short self-reflective section (this is something people have told us they really like about Student Voice: The Instrument of Change). Each chapter will also have concrete ideas with clear implementation strategies. We would also like to insert short interviews with teachers that bring to life the theme for each chapter we are writing. 1. The Importance of Teacher...
Introduce the concept of teacher voice much like I did with student voice providing a grounded theoretical model (using my previous work as a base), i...
Find the voice to guide and advocate for your child using an age appropriate model that allows for differences in personality, disposition, and supporting players.
Find the voice to guide and advocate for your child using an age appropriate model that allows for differences in personality, disposition, and sup...