"The Holy Union of David and Jonathan" is a provocative biblical story of passion and political intrigue. LGBT readers will discover a story that will help them find self-acceptance and constructively challenge the prejudice of religious homophobes. David and Jonathan formed a magnificent and beautiful partnership that they apparently intended to last for a lifetime. Theirs was a loving and committed relationship.
The failure of our culture to recognize the intrinsic divinity of homosexuality and the sanctity of our relationships is the central dilemma challenging lesbian, gay, bisexual,...
"The Holy Union of David and Jonathan" is a provocative biblical story of passion and political intrigue. LGBT readers will discover a story that will...
"The Holy Union of David and Jonathan" is a provocative biblical story of passion and political intrigue. LGBT readers will discover a story that will help them find self-acceptance and constructively challenge the prejudice of religious homophobes. David and Jonathan formed a magnificent and beautiful partnership that they apparently intended to last for a lifetime. Theirs was a loving and committed relationship.
The failure of our culture to recognize the intrinsic divinity of homosexuality and the sanctity of our relationships is the central dilemma challenging lesbian, gay, bisexual,...
"The Holy Union of David and Jonathan" is a provocative biblical story of passion and political intrigue. LGBT readers will discover a story that will...