Against the backdrop of Hollywood in the 1930's, an eye-catching, 15-year-old girl is catapulted into fame. Xavia "Excy" O'Brian, the impoverished, orphaned, daughter of a famous, silent movie star, becomes the protege of Hal Sonderson, a studio executive. With help from the family of her best friend, Annie, she escapes an amoral foster home and goes to live with Annie's Aunt Tillie. Excy meets many Hollywood personages including an Italian count, Alberto. Ted Wallace, Annie's older brother, always plays a pivotal role in her life.
On a promotional studio tour in Europe, adolescence,...
Against the backdrop of Hollywood in the 1930's, an eye-catching, 15-year-old girl is catapulted into fame. Xavia "Excy" O'Brian, the impoverished,...
It is 1965 in Palo Alto, California, and drama teachers Ted and Excy Wallace are thrilled to finally receive an insurance settlement that will allow the rebuilding of their fire-ravaged Shakespearean Theatre and Learning Centre. With plans to celebrate the Centre's opening with an event for the entire community, the Wallaces begin to unite all those behind the scenes who will help make their dreams a reality.
After Ted leaves for Los Angeles to secure a deal so his troupe can work during the rebuilding, Excy learns from her sister-in-law that his trip may not be about business after all....
It is 1965 in Palo Alto, California, and drama teachers Ted and Excy Wallace are thrilled to finally receive an insurance settlement that will allow t...
It is 1965 in Palo Alto, California, and drama teachers Ted and Excy Wallace are thrilled to finally receive an insurance settlement that will allow the rebuilding of their fire-ravaged Shakespearean Theatre and Learning Centre. With plans to celebrate the Centre's opening with an event for the entire community, the Wallaces begin to unite all those behind the scenes who will help make their dreams a reality.
After Ted leaves for Los Angeles to secure a deal so his troupe can work during the rebuilding, Excy learns from her sister-in-law that his trip may not be about business after all....
It is 1965 in Palo Alto, California, and drama teachers Ted and Excy Wallace are thrilled to finally receive an insurance settlement that will allow t...