Twentieth-century philosophy has been dominated by issues concerned with language. These have left few areas of academic enquiry untouched; an awareness of language matters to a discipline because claims to knowledge can be made only by using language. However, economists have only come to recognize its importance relatively recently. Moreover whilst there has been much written on the subject of economics and language in the last decade, this has been dominated by the use of techniques borrowed from literary criticism. Whilst these have provided many valuable insights, they have tended to...
Twentieth-century philosophy has been dominated by issues concerned with language. These have left few areas of academic enquiry untouched; an awarene...
The book covers Hume's biographical development; his self appraisal as a 'man of letters'; his philosophical writings with emphasis on their direct and indirect economic content; his self-aware criticism of his approach to the Treatise and the development of his rhetorical understanding of the needs/interests of his readers/potential readers; his rhetorical turn and Ciceronian adjustments to his writing within the genre of the essay, including his two Enquiries; his political essays and his nine essays conventionally classified as economic. The work aims to show how the Treatise and its...
The book covers Hume's biographical development; his self appraisal as a 'man of letters'; his philosophical writings with emphasis on their direct an...