Tales of the Road is a collection of delightful travel vignettes. The author describes many odd, strange and curious events which befell him as he was visiting different places in the world over the past fifty years. Its pages are filled with unusual and interesting characters like the very tall transsexual in Minneapolis, Minnesota, a generous subway security guard in Rome, Italy, an angry lady cyclist in Bremerhaven, Germany, and a money hungry taxi driver in Beijing, China, to name only a very few. The volume is illustrated (by the author) with whimsical drawings that give the book charm,...
Tales of the Road is a collection of delightful travel vignettes. The author describes many odd, strange and curious events which befell him as he was...
Tales of the Road is a collection of delightful travel vignettes. The author describes many odd, strange and curious events which befell him as he was visiting different places in the world over the past fifty years. Its pages are filled with unusual and interesting characters like the very tall transsexual in Minneapolis, Minnesota, a generous subway security guard in Rome, Italy, an angry lady cyclist in Bremerhaven, Germany, and a money hungry taxi driver in Beijing, China, to name only a very few. The volume is illustrated (by the author) with whimsical drawings that give the book charm,...
Tales of the Road is a collection of delightful travel vignettes. The author describes many odd, strange and curious events which befell him as he was...