Distinct from tissue engineering, which focuses primarily on the repair of tissues, regenerative engineering focuses on the regeneration of tissues: creating living, functional tissue that has the ability to replace organs that are dysfunctional. The challenge of working in an area like regenerative engineering lies, in part, in the breadth of information required to truly appreciate and begin to think about this field. Regenerative Engineering introduces the field through the presentation of fundamental concepts of cell biology, stem cell science, materials science, and...
Distinct from tissue engineering, which focuses primarily on the repair of tissues, regenerative engineering focuses on the regeneration of tissues...
Nanotechnology and Tissue Engineering Cato T. Laurencin Lakshmi S. Nair
Nanotechnology and regenerative engineering have emerged to the forefront as the most versatile and innovative technologies to foster novel therapeutic techniques and strategies of the twenty-first century. The first edition of Nanotechnology and Tissue Engineering: The Scaffold was the first comprehensive source to explain the developments in nanostructured biomaterials for tissue engineering, the relevance of nanostructured materials in tissue regeneration, and the current applications of nanostructured scaffolds for engineering various tissues. This fully revised...
Nanotechnology and regenerative engineering have emerged to the forefront as the most versatile and innovative technologies to foster novel therape...
This book focuses on both advances in materials science and in scaffold development techniques, paying close attention to state-of-the-art research. Each chapter will delve into specific materials categories (e.g. composite materials, bioactive ceramics, etc.) and how these materials are specifically designed for regenerative engineering applications. There will also be unique chapters on Biologically Derived Scaffolding along with 3-D Printing Technology for Regenerative Engineeering.
This book focuses on both advances in materials science and in scaffold development techniques, paying close attention to state-of-the-art research...