When Christ was asked about the Time of the End and His Second Coming, He pointed His disciples to the prophet Daniel and told them to understand. Today, almost 2,000 years later Bible teachers and so called prophecy experts are adding words to what Daniel was told and imagining various ways to set dates and entertain audiences. Yehovah, the God of the Bible, has said not to add or take away from His Word. He even warned His people not to go beyond what is written. With those instructions in mind I have written this book to help Yehovah's people understand Daniel's prophecies concerning the...
When Christ was asked about the Time of the End and His Second Coming, He pointed His disciples to the prophet Daniel and told them to understand. Tod...
Guia del vigilante al tiempo del fin, lleva al lector a traves del tiempo biblico del fin y la Segunda Venida del Mesias, llamado el Cristo. La guia senala las Escrituras lo que ya ha ocurrido, asi como lo que pronto sucedera. Esta presentacion biblica no solo describe todos los eventos importantes End Time pero muestra de las Escrituras lo que el Senor, el Dios de la Biblia, la espera de su pueblo.
Guia del vigilante al tiempo del fin, lleva al lector a traves del tiempo biblico del fin y la Segunda Venida del Mesias, llamado el Cristo. La guia s...
Le Veilleur Guide au Temps de la Fin, emmene le lecteur a travers la Temps de la Fin des biblique et la seconde venue du Messie, celui qu'on appelle Christ. Le guide decrit les Ecritures ce qui s'est passe et ce qui se passera bientot. Cette presentation decrit non seulement les evenements importants de l'heure de la fin, mais montre ce que le Dieu de la Bible, attend de son peuple."
Le Veilleur Guide au Temps de la Fin, emmene le lecteur a travers la Temps de la Fin des biblique et la seconde venue du Messie, celui qu'on appelle C...
More and more people are becoming concerned about where the world is heading. The global financial situation is teetering on the edge of collapse with the developed world at unsustainable debt levels. Banks and markets are doing well only because governments, particularly the U.S., are printing money like there is no tomorrow. At the same time uprisings are spreading so fast through the Muslim world that they are poised to start a world war. Personal, civil, political and religious violence is on the rise internationally. People are wondering what is going to happen with the United States of...
More and more people are becoming concerned about where the world is heading. The global financial situation is teetering on the edge of collapse with...
In spite of the fact that the Antichrist is the most prophetically described End Time character; he is relatively unknown to Christians today. This is because Christian's generally don't read Scripture and rely heavily on the teachings of man and organized religion to guide their beliefs. They do this even though the Bible warns them against trusting in man. The teachings I have received from Yehovah are different from what has been preached and taught in organized religion. Yehovah has shown me the harmony of biblical prophecy concerning the Antichrist and the Time of the End and I will pass...
In spite of the fact that the Antichrist is the most prophetically described End Time character; he is relatively unknown to Christians today. This is...
Yehovah, the God of the Bible, told Daniel that the words where closed and sealed until the Time of the End. Now that the Time has come the words are being opened and Yehovah is revealing things about the Time of the End that have previously been closed. Over the past several years, Yehovah has revealed to me what biblical prophecies will signal the beginning of the Time of the End and when He will awaken His people to that Truth. Follow along in this End Time Bible Study and see what the Church has been missing all these years since the Messiah's First Coming. Now that the Time has come,...
Yehovah, the God of the Bible, told Daniel that the words where closed and sealed until the Time of the End. Now that the Time has come the words are ...
In recent years I have increasingly been setting aside the teachings, traditions and ways of man in favor of Yehovah and His ways. The more I study and apply Scripture to my life the more I understand how important Yehovah's ways are for His people. They're critically important because they reveal His purpose and plan for them, all the way to His eternal kingdom on earth. I'm further convinced that those who do not turn away from their ways and traditions to Yehovah and His ways, will not be able to enter His kingdom when it comes.
In recent years I have increasingly been setting aside the teachings, traditions and ways of man in favor of Yehovah and His ways. The more I study an...