This is a psychological horror/black comedy concerning a drug-fuelled battle through time between two pretenders to God's throne, one with good intentions, while the other harbours sadistic and cannibalistic tendencies. The river Styx runs through this story and The Riverman Sloo has discovered a way to reverse the flow. By taking his number in the Biblical directory '767' and committing horrific acts 7 days after the resurrection to six chosen disciples on the 7th year, he can give his ship of lost souls their second coming and surpass God's reign on earth. This book includes Dusk till Dawn...
This is a psychological horror/black comedy concerning a drug-fuelled battle through time between two pretenders to God's throne, one with good intent...
TRADITIONAL SELLING DOESN'T WORK ANY MORE Did you know that more than 70 percent of the buying decision takes place BEFORE you even know a prospect exists? That's why the traditional sales process doesn't work. In this book, you'll learn: - Why traditional selling doesn't work any more... - The new way consumers (both B2B and B2C) are buying... - Why NO ONE CARES about your product... - How to build credibility and trust in this new world of buying and selling... - And much, much more WHAT ARE PEOPLE SAYING? "A simple model that works, yet most businesses ignore. If you only...
TRADITIONAL SELLING DOESN'T WORK ANY MORE Did you know that more than 70 percent of the buying decision takes place BEFORE you even know a prospect e...
Winner, Carroll Abbott Memorial Award, presented by the Native Plant Society of Texas In its prime, the Texas Blackland Prairie formed a twelve-million-acre grassy swath across the state from the San Antonio area north to the Red River. Now, roughly one tenth of one percent of this vast prairie remains in the form of small pockets tucked away here and there, having once served as hay meadows or sprouting from rock too stony to plow. As Matt White tracks the ever dwindling parcels of tallgrass prairie in northeast Texas, he develops deep connections with prairie plants and prairie people...
Winner, Carroll Abbott Memorial Award, presented by the Native Plant Society of Texas In its prime, the Texas Blackland Prairie formed a twelve-millio...
Maureen Arcuri and Matt White are members of a historical re-enactment Guild and have performing on the Northern California Renaissance circuit for over seven years. Their stories are about the characters they portray. Tales of the Wycked Aye Tavern will take you back to the Highlands of 16th Century Scotland during a time of religious and political turmoil, where alliances are formed and destroyed over night, and where three people come together to be the best of friends.
Maureen Arcuri and Matt White are members of a historical re-enactment Guild and have performing on the Northern California Renaissance circuit for ov...
Maureen Arcuri and Matt White are historical re-enactors who perform on the Northern California Renaissance circuit. Their stories are based on the characters they portray. "Journey to Skye" is the continuing story of "Tales of the Wycked Aye Tavern." Follow Maitiu and Philip as they journey to the Isle of Skye where their faith and friendship will be put to the test and where Maureen discovers a truth about herself that she never dreamed possible.
Maureen Arcuri and Matt White are historical re-enactors who perform on the Northern California Renaissance circuit. Their stories are based on the ch...