For centuries man has treated food to prolong its edible life, and nowadays both traditional and modern preservatives are used widely to ensure the satisfactory maintenance of quality and safety of foods. There continues to be increased public concern about the use of food additives, including preservatives, resulting from a perception that some of them may have deleterious effects on health. However, as eating habits have changed with an emphasis on what has been popularly termed a healthy diet', there is at the same time a concern that reduction in preservative usage could lead to loss...
For centuries man has treated food to prolong its edible life, and nowadays both traditional and modern preservatives are used widely to ensure the...
The majO.r techniques emplO.yed fO.r fO.O.d preservatiO.n have a 100ng histo'ry O.f use. They include chilling; freezing; drying; curing; cO.nserving; fer- menting O.r O.therwise acidifying; the additiO.n O.f preservatives; heat- pasteurisatiO.n and sterilisatiO.n. Newer techniques derived frO.m these traditiO.nal proce- dures include the successful applicatiO.n O.f cO.mbinatiO.n. preservatiO.n O.r 'hurdle' methO.ds, vacuum- and mO.dified atmO.sphere-packaging, and sterilisatiO.n cO.upled to' aseptic packaging. More innO.vative techniques, such as the use O.f...
The majO.r techniques emplO.yed fO.r fO.O.d preservatiO.n have a 100ng histo'ry O.f use. They include chilling; freezing; drying; curing; cO.nserving;...