It is not expected that the stories in this book will be told in their present form to Kindergarten children, as experience has shown that each Kindergartner must modify her story to suit the needs and capacities of her children, and must learn to take from any story just so much as may be helpful to her in creating a fresh story for the occasion. It is hoped, however, that they may serve the mother in her home reading with her group of children, and also that my colaborers in primary and second grade schools may sometimes use them for Friday afternoon readings.
It is not expected that the stories in this book will be told in their present form to Kindergarten children, as experience has shown that each Kinder...
It not the reason why the Divine Comedy is called a "world poem" to be found in these significant facts: it portrays the sudden awakening of the human soul to the human consciousness of having gone astray; it shows the loathsome nature of sin; it pictures the struggle necessary to be freed from sin; it emphasizes that God is ready to help as soon as the soul is ready to be helped; and at last it declares that the Vision of God will come to the soul which perseveres in the struggle? These are the essential truths which make the great poem of Dante one of the masterpieces of the world of art....
It not the reason why the Divine Comedy is called a "world poem" to be found in these significant facts: it portrays the sudden awakening of the human...