Naranjan S. Dhalla Arun Chockalingam H. Ivan Berkowitz
The Frontiers in Cardiovascular Health varies between and within nations, depend ing upon the level at which the battle is fought for better cardiovascular health. According to the 1997 World Health Report, 15 million deaths (i. e. 30% of the total number of deaths) were attributable to cardiovascular diseases and this number is on the rise. The projection for the year 2020 is quite alarming with an expected cardiovascular mortality reaching 50 million. Much of this burden is projected to occur in developing countries, more specifically in the most populous countries of the world, namely...
The Frontiers in Cardiovascular Health varies between and within nations, depend ing upon the level at which the battle is fought for better cardiovas...
Naranjan S. Dhalla Arun Chockalingam H. Ivan Berkowitz
The Frontiers in Cardiovascular Health varies between and within nations, depend- ing upon the level at which the battle is fought for better cardiovascular health. According to the 1997 World Health Report, 15 million deaths (i. e. 30% of the total number of deaths) were attributable to cardiovascular diseases and this number is on the rise. The projection for the year 2020 is quite alarming with an expected cardiovascular mortality reaching 50 million. Much of this burden is projected to occur in developing countries, more specifically in the most populous countries of the world, namely...
The Frontiers in Cardiovascular Health varies between and within nations, depend- ing upon the level at which the battle is fought for better cardiova...