Unzhlige Seen, tosende Flsse, das Grn unendlicher Wlder, eine Schrenkste mit Tausenden von Inseln und Inselchen Finnland bietet eine einzigartige urwchsige Natur. Das Land im hohen Norden verzaubert durch seine hellen Sommernchte mit ihrem Hhepunkt in der traditionellen Mittsommer-Feier. Mittelalterliche Steinkirchen, Burgen und Festungen sowie alte Hafenstdte zeugen von der wechselhaften Geschichte. Die Hauptstadt Helsinki mit ihrer reizvollen Lage am finnischen Meerbusen und den neoklassizistischen Bauten lockt als kulturelles Zentrum des Landes.
Unzhlige Seen, tosende Flsse, das Grn unendlicher Wlder, eine Schrenkste mit Tausenden von Inseln und Inselchen Finnland bietet eine einzigartige ur...
Als zweitgrößte europäische Insel bietet Island eine unvergleichliche Natur, in der Vulkane und Gletscher ihre Kräfte messen, die Fontänen der Geysire aufsteigen, Wasserfälle in die Tiefe stürzen und Schwefelquellen blubbern, blaue Lagunen zum Baden einladen und liebliche grüne Täler neben schroffen, schwarzen Lavawüsten liegen. An hoch aufragende Fjordwände schmiegen sich bunte Häuschen, in der Hauptstadt Reykjavík begegnet man dem modernen Island.
Als zweitgrößte europäische Insel bietet Island eine unvergleichliche Natur, in der Vulkane und Gletscher ihre Kräfte messen, die Fontänen der Ge...
.".".le situazioni paradossali e i caratteri esasperati dei personaggi fanno riflettere, inquietando. Il tutto e scortato da un umorismo intelligente mai fine a se stesso. Galli scongiura dunque la sua malinconia con la risata, intesa come consapevolezza e non superficialita..."" - STORIE, rivista per la cultura. Arrivato ormai alla sua quarta edizione, Uova di elefante e un caleidoscopico viaggio surreale attraverso trentasette racconti brevi che abbracciano tutti (o quasi) i generi narrativi: dall'assurdo al comico, dal drammatico alla fantascienza, dal thriller all'horror, passando per il...
.".".le situazioni paradossali e i caratteri esasperati dei personaggi fanno riflettere, inquietando. Il tutto e scortato da un umorismo intelligente ...
Midnight To Six is a book about style, photography and coolness. But it's also a book about friendship, clublife, clothes and attitude, a sort of 'illustrated journey', commented with brief sentences, one for each illustration, through the many faces of Mod: from the early jazz-oriented modernists to the late 60s freaksters and several other types of scenesters in between. --Thirty four black and white modernist inspired illustrations included in this book from the hand of Max appropriately entitled 'Midnight To Six'. The content is usually beautiful ladies, sometimes with the guys, on...
Midnight To Six is a book about style, photography and coolness. But it's also a book about friendship, clublife, clothes and attitude, a sort of 'ill...
An exciting and funny comic book, Starring hip and sexy Molly Jones, secret agent for the MI5. Drawn in a late 60s pop-psychedelic style, with plenty of colourful graphics to match, --The Adventures of Molly Jones-- it's a masterpiece of 60s-influenced Mod-pop comic art. Introductory note by Rob Bailey (The New Untouchables). --Beautifully designed 8,5 X 11 inch book. We get a unique insight into the mind of Max Galli through his wonderful illustrations of scantily clad 60's dolls and crazy hipsters with equally crazy story lines to accompany. Who says the 21st century lacks imagination? No...
An exciting and funny comic book, Starring hip and sexy Molly Jones, secret agent for the MI5. Drawn in a late 60s pop-psychedelic style, with plenty ...