Martyrdom is a controversial and disputed concept. Just as religion is often hijacked by politics, martyrdom is frequently ascribed to a narrow, partisan, and parochial foundation. This is the first book to present varied views on the topic of martyrdom, reaching beyond cliches and simplistic explanations to provoke deep consideration of the essential nature of human beings and society. The volume's authors--experts in the disciplines of psychology, theology, and politics--examine martyrdom in thoughtful and thought-provoking chapters. A closing conversation between the authors is designed...
Martyrdom is a controversial and disputed concept. Just as religion is often hijacked by politics, martyrdom is frequently ascribed to a narrow, pa...
Dans la region des Grands Lacs, le Burundi, la Republique democratique du Congo et le Rwanda ont connu, durant plus de dix annees, une succession de conflits meurtriers, de guerres civiles et internationales. La recherche de la paix dans la region n en est que plus urgente. Sous la direction de membres du consortium d universitaires belges francophones Grapax (Groupe de recherche en appui aux politiques de cooperation paix, securite, droits de l homme, bonne gouvernance), cet ouvrage reunit les contributions de chercheurs de Belgique et de l Afrique des Grands Lacs visant a identifier les...
Dans la region des Grands Lacs, le Burundi, la Republique democratique du Congo et le Rwanda ont connu, durant plus de dix annees, une succession de c...
Dans le champ des relations internationales, la politique etrangere suscite l interet croissant des opinions. De plus en plus sensibles aux turbulences de l espace mondial contemporain, celles-ci erigent aujourd hui la politique etrangere en enjeu democratique majeur, la faisant echapper aux rets d un monopole des Princes. A la croisee de l international et de l interne, la mutation est en cours et emmele les points de repere traditionnels. L inquietude conceptuelle surgit des lors: ou situer dorenavant la politique etrangere? Quel role lui reconnaitre entre les pratiques diplomatiques...
Dans le champ des relations internationales, la politique etrangere suscite l interet croissant des opinions. De plus en plus sensibles aux turbulence...
This book offers a unique approach to reconciliation as a matter for negotiation, bringing together two bodies of theory in order to offer insights into resolving conflicts and achieving lasting peace. It argues that reconciliation should not be simply accepted as an 'agreed-upon norm' within peacemaking processes, but should receive serious attention from belligerents and peace-brokers seeking to end violent conflicts through negotiation.
The book explores different meanings the term 'reconciliation' might hold for parties in conflict - the end of overt hostilities, a transformation in...
This book offers a unique approach to reconciliation as a matter for negotiation, bringing together two bodies of theory in order to offer insights...