Programmable logic radically changed the electronic system design landscape. It reduced board space needed for random logic, state machines and system interfaces. It allowed faster design cycles, made easy late term bug fixes and gave designers greater freedom to experiment and prototype. In-system programming of these devices has had a similar revolutionary effect. The ability to change the programmed content of programmable logic while it is on the board is equivalent to being able to redesign all the hardware -without changing a single component. This allows the possibility of providing...
Programmable logic radically changed the electronic system design landscape. It reduced board space needed for random logic, state machines and system...
This handbook provides design considerations and rules-of-thumb to ensure the functionality you want will work. It brings together all the information needed by systems designers to develop applications that include configurability, from the simplest implementations to the most complicated.
This handbook provides design considerations and rules-of-thumb to ensure the functionality you want will work. It brings together all the informat...