Human societies face a threatening future of resource scarcity and environmental damages. This book addresses the challenge of turning these risks into opportunities and policies. It is a collection of high level contributions from experts of sustainable growth and sustainable resource management. Focussing on economics, sustainability, technology and policy, the book highlights system innovation, leapfrogging strategies of emerging economies, possible rebound effects and international market development. It puts natural resources centre stage and will make an important contribution to...
Human societies face a threatening future of resource scarcity and environmental damages. This book addresses the challenge of turning these risks int...
Über die Notwendigkeit einer Innovationsoffensive besteht weitgehende Einigkeit in Politik und Wirtschaft. Aber über die Richtung besteht Unklarheit. Das Buch zeigt auf, dass eine zukunftsfähige Langfristdynamik für Umwelt und Beschäftigung möglich ist. Allerdings muss das heutige Produktivitätsverständnis überwunden werden, das nahezu ausschließlich den Faktor Arbeit rationalisiert und keinen geeigneten Zugang zur Produktivität des Naturhaushalts enthält. Der Autor begründet die Einsicht in die Produktivität der Natur und verbindet die Umweltökonomie mit Forschungsergebnissen...
Über die Notwendigkeit einer Innovationsoffensive besteht weitgehende Einigkeit in Politik und Wirtschaft. Aber über die Richtung besteht Unklarheit...
Deshalb haben sich die Umweltorganisationen Bund fur Umwelt und Naturschutz Deutschland (BUND) und die Organisation der Entwick lungszusammenarbeit MISEREOR zusammengetan und gemeinsam beim Wuppertal Institut fur Klima, Umwelt, Energie die Studie Zukunftsfahiges Deutschland - ein Beitrag zu einer global nachhaltigen Entwicklung in Auf trag gegeben. Mit der Vorstellung der Forschungsergebnisse wollen die Auftraggeber nicht ein neu es "Modell Deutschland" propagieren. Es geht vielmehr darum, der Frage nachzugehen, wie das Leben in einem "Zukunfts fahigen Deutschland" aussehen konnte, wenn...
Deshalb haben sich die Umweltorganisationen Bund fur Umwelt und Naturschutz Deutschland (BUND) und die Organisation der Entwick lungszusammenarbeit MI...
Philip Andrews-Speed Raimund Bleischwitz Tim Boersma
In addition to environmental change, the structure and trends of global politics and the economy are also changing as more countries join the ranks of the world s largest economies with their resource-intensive patterns. The nexus approach, conceptualized as attention to resource connections and their governance ramifications, calls attention to the sustainability of contemporary consumer resource use, lifestyles and supply chains. This book sets out an analytical framework for understanding these nexus issues and the related governance challenges and opportunities.
It sheds light...
In addition to environmental change, the structure and trends of global politics and the economy are also changing as more countries join the ranks...
Philip Andrews-Speed Raimund Bleischwitz Tim Boersma
In addition to environmental change, the structure and trends of global politics and the economy are also changing as more countries join the ranks of the world s largest economies with their resource-intensive patterns. The nexus approach, conceptualized as attention to resource connections and their governance ramifications, calls attention to the sustainability of contemporary consumer resource use, lifestyles and supply chains. This book sets out an analytical framework for understanding these nexus issues and the related governance challenges and opportunities.
It sheds light...
In addition to environmental change, the structure and trends of global politics and the economy are also changing as more countries join the ranks...
Human societies face a threatening future of resource scarcity and environmental damages. This book addresses the challenge of turning these risks into opportunities and policies. It is a collection of high level contributions from experts of sustainable growth and sustainable resource management. Focussing on economics, sustainability, technology and policy, the book highlights system innovation, leapfrogging strategies of emerging economies, possible rebound effects and international market development. It puts natural resources centre stage and will make an important contribution to...
Human societies face a threatening future of resource scarcity and environmental damages. This book addresses the challenge of turning these risks int...
In recent years the concept of the resource -nexus- has been hotly debated and now widely adopted in research and policy circles as a powerful new way of understanding the complexities and relationships between multiple resources and their sustainable management. These include particularly water, food and energy, but also other dimensions such as biological resources, ecosystems and minerals, as well as the circular economy and conflicts over resource use. This comprehensive handbook presents a detailed international review of current knowledge and thinking on the resource nexus from an...
In recent years the concept of the resource -nexus- has been hotly debated and now widely adopted in research and policy circles as a powerful new ...