Bose-Einstein condensation of excitons is a unique effect in which the electronic states of a solid can self-organize to acquire quantum phase coherence. The phenomenon is closely linked to Bose-Einstein condensation in other systems such as liquid helium and laser-cooled atomic gases. Covering theoretical aspects as well as recent experimental work, the book provides a comprehensive survey of the field. After introducing the relevant basic physics of excitons, the authors discuss exciton-phonon interactions as well as the behavior of biexcitons. They also cover exciton phase-transitions and...
Bose-Einstein condensation of excitons is a unique effect in which the electronic states of a solid can self-organize to acquire quantum phase coheren...
Bose-Einstein condensation of excitons is a unique effect in which the electronic states of a solid can self-organize to acquire quantum phase coherence. The phenomenon is closely linked to Bose-Einstein condensation in other systems such as liquid helium and laser-cooled atomic gases. Covering theoretical aspects as well as recent experimental work, the book provides a comprehensive survey of the field. After introducing the relevant basic physics of excitons, the authors discuss exciton-phonon interactions as well as the behavior of biexcitons. They also cover exciton phase-transitions and...
Bose-Einstein condensation of excitons is a unique effect in which the electronic states of a solid can self-organize to acquire quantum phase coheren...
This book is devoted to BEC as an interdisciplinary subject, covering atomic and molecular physics, laser physics, low temperatures, and astrophysics, and it will serve as an in-depth report on recent progress and will suggest promising research topics for graduate students and researchers in physics.
This book is devoted to BEC as an interdisciplinary subject, covering atomic and molecular physics, laser physics, low temperatures, and astrophysics,...