Written by church consultant Will Mancini expert on a new kind of visioning process to help churches develop a stunningly unique model of ministry that leads to redemptive movement. He guides churches away from an internal focus to emphasize participation in their community and surrounding culture. In this important book, Mancini offers an approach for rethinking what it means to lead with clarity as a visionary. Mancini explains that each church has a culture that reflects its particular values, thoughts, attitudes, and actions and shows how church leaders can unlock their church's...
Written by church consultant Will Mancini expert on a new kind of visioning process to help churches develop a stunningly unique model of ministry tha...
Training the next generation of leaders is crucial to spreading the gospel, yet most churches have no formal way of doing this. Why? Tight budgets, small staffs, and a lack of know-how are just a few reasons suggested by church consultants Aubrey Malphurs and William Mancini in this groundbreaking book. Building Leaders provides real-life examples of ways churches can unleash their true ministry potential by training staff members and laypeople to lead. With step-by-step instructions that can be applied to any church or parachurch ministry, Building Leaders shows readers how to:
Training the next generation of leaders is crucial to spreading the gospel, yet most churches have no formal way of doing this. Why? Tight budgets, sm...
Iglesia unica les ofrece a los lideres de las iglesias una manera de transformar su liderazgo y su vision con eficacia en su mision. Iglesia unica es un libro escrito por Will Mancini, consultor de iglesias, experto en una nueva clase de proceso de vision para ayudar a las iglesias a desarrollar un modelo de ministerio asombrosamente singular que lleva a un movimiento de tipo redentor. Guia a las iglesias para que dejen de enfocarse en si mismas y le den mayor enfasis a la participacion en su comunidad y en la cultura que las rodea. En este importante libro, Mancini ofrece un nuevo enfoque...
Iglesia unica les ofrece a los lideres de las iglesias una manera de transformar su liderazgo y su vision con eficacia en su mision. Iglesia unica es ...
Everyone is talking about discipleship, but too many churches stick to business as usual. Sunday comes and Sunday goes. The preacher preaches, the band worships, money gets put in the plate and people get back to their busy, unaffected lives. Hasn't God called us to more? Will Mancini thinks so, and that's what Innovating Discipleship is all about. Innovating Discipleship is for church leaders who have growing discontent for "best practicing" and "fast following." Is God calling you to re-dream and re-invent beyond the ministry models that were handed to you? If so, this short read will...
Everyone is talking about discipleship, but too many churches stick to business as usual. Sunday comes and Sunday goes. The preacher preaches, the ban...
There are many different numbers floating around to describe the percentage of 20-somethings that are leaving the church after they graduate high school, and most of those numbers are above 60%- which means, at most, 40% of our generation is staying in the church post high school. American Christianity often sees us as lost-- the "invisible generation" that no one knows how to reach. Can that be true? Are 20-somethings really that hopelessly lost? We're not so sure. After traveling to 23 states, visiting 32 churches, and talking to hundreds of millennials and church leaders, Heather Stevens...
There are many different numbers floating around to describe the percentage of 20-somethings that are leaving the church after they graduate high scho...