Ce volume s'occupe du Lexique platonicien de Timee le Sophiste, auteur qui a appartenu a la deuxieme sophistique. Une introduction de Jonathan Barnes presente l'histoire des manuscrits de ce lexique et de ses editions, ainsi qu'une analyse de sa structure et une evaluation de son importance pour la lexicographie ancienne et pour les etudes platoniciennes. La premiere partie du livre presente une nouvelle edition du texte avec une traduction francaise et quatre apparats, des scolies du manuscrit, des loci platonici, des loci similes, et l'apparat critique. La deuxieme...
Ce volume s'occupe du Lexique platonicien de Timee le Sophiste, auteur qui a appartenu a la deuxieme sophistique. Une introduction de Jonathan ...
This volume presents 26 essays on method and metaphysics in ancient philosophy by Jonathan Barnes, one of the most admired and influential philosophers of his generation. Several of the essays appear here in English for the first time; others are substantially revised.
This volume presents 26 essays on method and metaphysics in ancient philosophy by Jonathan Barnes, one of the most admired and influential philosopher...
The second volume of Jonathan Barnes' papers on ancient philosophy contains twenty-seven pieces under the broad heading of Logic. The essays were written over a period of some forty years. Some of them were published in obscure places (and two or three of them in a foreign language). The French essays have been done into English; and all the essays have been retouched, and a few of them substantially revised. The first three essays in the volume are of a general nature, being concerned with ancient views on the status of logic--and with the distinction between formal and material...
The second volume of Jonathan Barnes' papers on ancient philosophy contains twenty-seven pieces under the broad heading of Logic. The essays were writ...
Proof, Knowledge, and Scepticism is the third volume of Jonathan Barnes' papers on ancient philosophy. It contains twenty-two pieces which turn about epistemological matters. The papers have all been brushed down, and some of them have been revised. One or two of them appear for the first time in English. The first three pieces form a prologue (and link this volume to its predecessor): they deal with certain ancient views about the relation between logic on the one hand and knowledge and science on the other. After that, the book divides into two unequal parts. The first part is concerned...
Proof, Knowledge, and Scepticism is the third volume of Jonathan Barnes' papers on ancient philosophy. It contains twenty-two pieces which turn about ...