"Donnie and Jean" was a time of great transition for our nation, one in which there was no television, and radio and Hollywood were the main sources of both entertainment and news defining what would later be called "The Great Generation." Comic books and the funny papers were war oriented and children were ready to defend America against all invaders; while adults fought the war, children played at war. Donnie and Jean is more than a story of two twelve year old children meeting and beginning to learn what it is to love; they were born into a generation that epitomized the best of what...
"Donnie and Jean" was a time of great transition for our nation, one in which there was no television, and radio and Hollywood were the main sources o...
A lovely bookstore owner asked me why she should read this book? I explained that in writing this book, I undertook a purposeful investigation leading where angels (and all good Baptists) fear to tread. It was during this attempt at explanation the picture formed in my mind of addressing an auditorium full of women.
"My opening remark to them is: 'Women hunger and thirst for romance. What is it that men want?"
The entire audience responds with a resounding chorus in unison with one word: 'SEX "
I then ask: 'No, really ladies, what do men really want?"
Again, with a single voice...
A lovely bookstore owner asked me why she should read this book? I explained that in writing this book, I undertook a purposeful investigation leading...