Adaptivity and learning have in recent decades become a common concern of scientific disciplines. These issues have arisen in mathematics, physics, biology, informatics, economics, and other fields more or less simultaneously. The aim of this publication is the interdisciplinary discourse on the phenomenon of learning and adaptivity. Different perspectives are presented and compared to find fruitful concepts for the disciplines involved. The authors select problems showing representative traits concerning the frame up, the methods and the achievements rather than to present extended...
Adaptivity and learning have in recent decades become a common concern of scientific disciplines. These issues have arisen in mathematics, physics, bi...
Dem Bundesministerium der Verteidigung, Bonn, sei dafUr gedankt, da es diese Untersuchung ermoglicht hat. Mein besonderer Dank gilt Herrn Professor K. S t e in b u c h fUr seine UnterstUtzung und die so wichtigen Bedingungen einer kontinuierlichen Arbeit, die er mir an seinem Institut an der Uni versitat Karlsruhe geboten hat. Dieser Dank gilt in gleicher Weise Herrn Professor K. N i c k e I fUr die MUhe der LektUre und Kri tik der vorliegenden Untersuchung. Herzlich gedankt sei Frl. G. S c h u s t e r fUr die gro e Arbei t der Niederschrift des Manuskripts, so wie allen Kollegen, die in...
Dem Bundesministerium der Verteidigung, Bonn, sei dafUr gedankt, da es diese Untersuchung ermoglicht hat. Mein besonderer Dank gilt Herrn Professor K....