Globally our universe is undergoing dynamic change. How will this change affect us? How will we embrace our diversity? As we reside within a living environment experienced through an expression of free will, our creative designer extends an invitation to us to choose which dimension we will reside within. Will we choose to live in harmony and balance with all who inhabit our world, or will we choose to become imbedded in perpertual chaos and our ultimate destruction? Discover your spiritual heritage and learn to embrace your individual mastery. Know why extending a personal invitation to God...
Globally our universe is undergoing dynamic change. How will this change affect us? How will we embrace our diversity? As we reside within a living en...
Imagine being accountable for every life action. Knowing this, what life changes will you make? Over 5,000 years ago a set of Commandments was issued to provide guidance and structure to a chaotic society. Humanity is once again immersed in chaos and on the threshold of creating a new evolving world. Discover the New Covenants that will once again provide direction to shape humanity and the evolving new world we will all be living within.
Imagine being accountable for every life action. Knowing this, what life changes will you make? Over 5,000 years ago a set of Commandments was issued ...