This book is about medical statistics. It will guide you through some of the basic terminology and you will learn which tests to use for which kind of data.
This book is about medical statistics. It will guide you through some of the basic terminology and you will learn which tests to use for which kind of...
This is a book describing the unique technique called "Mind-to-Paper." This will enable you to produce a full text scientific article in a single day The book is in Danish, but will soon be available in English as well.
This is a book describing the unique technique called "Mind-to-Paper." This will enable you to produce a full text scientific article in a single day ...
This is a book describing variuous important aspects of writing scientific articles for publication. Issues covered include design and quality of studies, article types and how to construct each article type, literature search, reporting guidelines, IMRAD, references, authorship, and the publication process. The book is in Danish, but will soon be available in English as well.
This is a book describing variuous important aspects of writing scientific articles for publication. Issues covered include design and quality of stud...
Jeg har vaeret i afdelingsledelse for en stor klinisk afdeling i ca. 11/2 ar og derved faet indblik i de mange forskellige arbejdsopgaver, som horer til denne ledelsesfunktion. Det har dog samtidig givet stof til eftertanke, idet man gar fra at vaere involveret i det kliniske arbejde til en position, hvor man i mange afdelinger traekker sig helt ud af klinikken. Der kan bade vaere fordele og ulemper ved denne model, og jeg har derfor skrevet denne lille bog som et bidrag til debatten om den nuvaerende konstruktion i klinisk afdelingsledelse. Konklusionen er, at der maske skal ske nogle...
Jeg har vaeret i afdelingsledelse for en stor klinisk afdeling i ca. 11/2 ar og derved faet indblik i de mange forskellige arbejdsopgaver, som horer t...
Dette er kursusbogen horende til kurset om systematiske reviews under I bogen gennemgas en raekke emner med det samlede formal at afdramatisere processen omkring skrivning af systematiske reviews og metaanalyser."
Dette er kursusbogen horende til kurset om systematiske reviews under I bogen gennemgas en raekke emner med det samlede formal at afd...
This is a fiction short story about a priest on a Greek island. The priest has moments of insanity where he commits terrible crimes. The story came to life in a most peculiar way. The author simply dreamt the entire story in a single (quite disturbed) night and then sat down and wrote the book.
This is a fiction short story about a priest on a Greek island. The priest has moments of insanity where he commits terrible crimes. The story came to...
Melatonin is a natural hormone originating from the pineal gland. It has a circadian secretion pattern with highest concentrations during the night. Intense research during the past 20-30 years has revealed that when melatonin is given in supra-physiologic doses, i.e. as tablets in milligram doses, it has a number of very important effects. Thus, melatonin can be used for various sleep disorders including insomnia, and circadian disturbances such as shiftwork and jetlag. Melatonin is the strongest known antioxidant drug with effects in cardiac disease, cancer, depression, brain damage such as...
Melatonin is a natural hormone originating from the pineal gland. It has a circadian secretion pattern with highest concentrations during the night. I...
This book serves as an introduction to the research group "Center for Perioperative Optimization" (CPO) located at Herlev Hospital in Copenhagen, Denmark. The book is in Danish.
This book serves as an introduction to the research group "Center for Perioperative Optimization" (CPO) located at Herlev Hospital in Copenhagen, Denm...