Bone and Cartilage Engineering provides a complete overview of recent knowledge in bone and cartilage tissue engineering. It follows a logical approach to the various aspects of extracorporal bone and cartilage tissue engineering. The cooperation between a basic scientist and a clinician made it possible to structure the book's content and style according to the interdisciplinary character of the field. The comprehensive nature of the book, including detailed descriptions of laboratory procedures, preclinical approaches, clinical applications, and regulatory issues, will make it an...
Bone and Cartilage Engineering provides a complete overview of recent knowledge in bone and cartilage tissue engineering. It follows a logical appr...
"Fundamentals of Tissue Engineering and Regenerative Medicine" provides a complete overview of the state of the art in tissue engineering and regenerative medicine. Tissue engineering has grown tremendously during the past decade. Advances in genetic medicine and stem cell technology have significantly improved the potential to influence cell and tissue performance, and have recently expanded the field towards regenerative medicine. In recent years a number of approaches have been used routinely in daily clinical practice, others have been introduced in clinical studies, and multitudes are...
"Fundamentals of Tissue Engineering and Regenerative Medicine" provides a complete overview of the state of the art in tissue engineering and regen...
This volume contains the 69 papers presented at the 16th Annual European Symposium on Algorithms (ESA 2010), held in Liverpool during September 6 8, 2010, including three papers by the distinguished invited speakers Artur Czumaj, Herbert Edelsbrunner, and Paolo Ferragina. ESA 2010 was organized as a part of ALGO 2010, which also included the 10th Workshop on Algorithms in Bioinformatics (WABI), the 8th Workshop on Approximation and Online Algorithms (WAOA), and the 10th Workshop on Algorithmic Approaches for Transportation Modeling, Optimization, and Systems (ATMOS). The European Symposium on...
This volume contains the 69 papers presented at the 16th Annual European Symposium on Algorithms (ESA 2010), held in Liverpool during September 6 8, 2...
This volume contains the 69 papers presented at the 16th Annual European Symposium on Algorithms (ESA 2010), held in Liverpool during September 6 8, 2010, including three papers by the distinguished invited speakers Artur Czumaj, Herbert Edelsbrunner, and Paolo Ferragina. ESA 2010 was organized as a part of ALGO 2010, which also included the 10th Workshop on Algorithms in Bioinformatics (WABI), the 8th Workshop on Approximation and Online Algorithms (WAOA), and the 10th Workshop on Algorithmic Approaches for Transportation Modeling, Optimization, and Systems (ATMOS). The European Symposium on...
This volume contains the 69 papers presented at the 16th Annual European Symposium on Algorithms (ESA 2010), held in Liverpool during September 6 8, 2...
Bone and Cartilage Engineering provides a complete overview of recent knowledge in bone and cartilage tissue engineering. It follows a logical approach to the various aspects of extracorporal bone and cartilage tissue engineering. The cooperation between a basic scientist and a clinician made it possible to structure the book's content and style according to the interdisciplinary character of the field. The comprehensive nature of the book, including detailed descriptions of laboratory procedures, preclinical approaches, clinical applications, and regulatory issues, will make it an...
Bone and Cartilage Engineering provides a complete overview of recent knowledge in bone and cartilage tissue engineering. It follows a logical appr...
Dieses Arbeitsbuch zur mikrookonomischen Theorie richtet sich an Studenten im Grund- und Hauptstudium wirtschaftswissenschaftlicher Studiengange. Es enthalt einerseits Lern- und Kontrollfragen und andererseits Losungen. Die systematisch aufeinander aufbauenden Verstandnisfragen und Aufgaben zu konkreten Beispielen dienen der Erarbeitung, Uberprufung und Vertiefung der Grundkenntnisse der mikrookonomischen Theorie. Inhalt und Aufbau des Buches orientieren sich am Lehrbuch von Jochen Schumann, Ulrich Meyer, Wolfgang Strobele: Grundzuge der mikrookonomischen Theorie, siebte, neubearbeitete und...
Dieses Arbeitsbuch zur mikrookonomischen Theorie richtet sich an Studenten im Grund- und Hauptstudium wirtschaftswissenschaftlicher Studiengange. Es e...
Das von Uli Meyer prasentierte Modell der Innovationspfade eroffnet eine neue Perspektive auf die Entwicklung komplexer Technologie. Dazu integriert es Einsichten des soziologischen Neo-Institutionalismus und sozialer Evolutionstheorien, um zu erklaren, wie Innovationspfade entstehen und welche Mechanismen sie stabilisieren und verstarken. Die vorgestellte Perspektive wird der Tatsache gerecht, dass Technologie zunehmend in stabilen Netzwerken vieler Organisationen hervorgebracht wird und nicht mehr von einzelnen Organisationen oder Erfindern. Innovationspfade sind Ausdruck und gleichzeitig...
Das von Uli Meyer prasentierte Modell der Innovationspfade eroffnet eine neue Perspektive auf die Entwicklung komplexer Technologie. Dazu integriert e...
The theory of relativity convinced many philosophers that space and time are fundamentally alike, and that they are mere aspects of a more fundamental space-time. In The Nature of Time, Ulrich Meyer argues against this consensus view. Instead of a "spatial" account of time that treats instants like positions in space, he presents the first comprehensive defense of a 'modal' account that emphasizes the similarities between times and the possible worlds in modal logic. Modal accounts of time are naturally cast in terms of a tense logic that accounts for temporal distinctions in terms of...
The theory of relativity convinced many philosophers that space and time are fundamentally alike, and that they are mere aspects of a more fundamental...
Wie kann es dazu kommen, dass ein Forschungsansatz zuerst als Sackgasse verworfen und spater als zukunftsweisend gefeiert wird? Uli Meyer untersucht mit Hilfe der konstruktivistischen Wissenschaftsforschung, welche - vor allem soziale - Bedingungen zu einer derartigen Entwicklung in der Kontroverse um Neuronale Netze innerhalb der Kunstliche-Intelligenz-Forschung fuhrten."
Wie kann es dazu kommen, dass ein Forschungsansatz zuerst als Sackgasse verworfen und spater als zukunftsweisend gefeiert wird? Uli Meyer untersucht m...